Website Navigation - Using the A-Z Darts Search Bar

Written by: Heather Cister


A-Z Darts search bar man on laptop

The search bar is one of the most common features on almost every website. For online businesses like us, it's essential! Customers need to search for products, and search bars help guide them to the right place with matching products. As your partners in darts, we're here to give you some tips and tricks when using our A-Z Darts search bar so you can find every item on your darts wishlist

A-Z Darts Search Bar

Not all search bars work the same. Google may possibly have the most advanced and well-known search bar. Their search bar serves the most relevant results and is robust enough to predict what you may want. We have come a long way with our search bar in the last few years but we are nowhere near Google's level of search bar intelligence! Because of this, there are a few points to remember to get the best results when searching for products on our website.

Keywords: Less is More

alien monster dart flights search bar result

Our search is built mostly around keywords and works best when the search is broken into keywords as well. For example, if you wanted to find a flight that features a bunch of little monster aliens, you might search “alien monster dart flights”. This type of search would return no results.

monster flight search bar result

Instead, limit your search to a minimum number of keywords. In this case, less is more. Change your search to “monster flight” which provides two results. At this point, you might notice they are more like regular monsters than a strange alien-monster hybrid. Having the extra keyword “alien” would have hurt your search. 

A Product of Many Names

dart throwlines and other names in search result

When a search reveals different results than expected, it is because the item might have a different name. Sometimes, the same item will have different names in different parts of the world. The word “throwlines” is a great example. On our website, we call the lines that are placed on the floor to mark the minimum throwing distance from the board “throwlines”. However, it also has other names like "toe line", "throw markers" or "oche". If your search comes back with no results, consider searching by another name.

Spaces: To be or Not to be?

dartboard search bar result
dart board search bar result

Spaces between words, or a lack of them, can also cause the search bar to return incorrect results. The example “dartboard” can be searched as one word or two ("dart board"). These two phrases, when searched separately, will yield different products. If you were looking for dartboards, entering "dart board" in the search bar won't give you what you want. 

In some cases of other keywords or key phrases, the difference between the two searches can be enough to give you no results. Searching "8flight" in the search bar instead of "8 flight" for 8 Flight dart products will not produce any results. 

spelling matters

dart flight misspelled in search bar

Lastly, always check your spelling of keywords in the search bar. Having too many (or too few) spaces and misspelled words can produce zero results. Luckily, most web browsers now highlight misspelled words and offer spelling corrections. Our search bar also suggests similar sounding words if you spelled something wrong. However, we still suggest double checking your spelling as the search bar won't recognize all misspelled words.

dart flight capitalized alternatively in search bar

Also, keep in mind that our search bar is not case sensitive! This means you can search in ALL CAPS, all lowercase, or even something FuNkY LiKe tHiS and you'll still get the same results as long as your keywords and spelling are correct.

Suggested searches

As you're typing in the search bar, a little dropdown menu will appear right below the search bar with suggested searches. This includes popular search phrases, collections, and related products, making the search for products so much easier.

popular suggestions

popular suggestions for "shaft" in search bar

Popular suggestions populate the search bar dropdown menu based on the keywords or letters you've begun to type in the search bar. As the same suggests, these keywords are most commonly searched by other users on our website and popular terms in the darts industry. When you're struggling to remember the name of an item, popular suggestions are your best friend. They complete your thoughts when you're at a loss for words!


search bar collection suggestion for "paper flight"

If you've ever wanted to find a group of products rather than one individual item, collections are just that — a page of all products that fall under one unified category like foldable dart flights. Collections also include product launches from all brands, website sales, player merch, and more. Start typing something in the search bar and see what kinds of collections come up! You may be surprised by the variety available on our website. 

Quick Tips: A Brief Summary

Format your search into keywords. ("Alien monster dart flights" vs. "monster flight")

Less keywords are usually better.

Avoid using two-word searches versus one-word searches. ("dart board" vs. "dartboard")

Double check your spelling. ("dart flghit" vs. "dart flight")

Use uppercase or lowercase — our search bar is not case sensitive. ("DART FLIGHT" vs. "dart flight" vs. "dArT fLiGhT")

Still lost? Call us, we are always happy to help!

Final Thoughts

We hope this article helped you learn how to use our search bar! If you can’t find what you’re looking for, don’t hesitate to call us. We are happy to guide you in the right direction. Even if we no longer stock an item, we may have a suggestion for an alternative product that might work for you. 

We are always working to improve your search experience. If you have a product search suggestion, feel free to let us know. We can add keywords to our current stock and we may not have included all the variations or possibilities for the search bar. Good darts and happy shopping!

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