Website Navigation - Mastering the A-Z Darts Wishlist

Written by: Heather Cister


Dart and dollar bill

Shopping around and trying to keep track of all the awesome products you want to buy, but can't at the moment, can be overwhelming when there's so many options to consider. Wishlists are a great way to bookmark all those items you're thinking about buying without having to overload your web browser with new bookmarks of product pages – or worse: trying to remember them all from scratch! 

The A-Z Darts wishlist is a handy feature that we offer on our website so you can always go back to the products you love. Read along to learn more about our wishlist feature and how to use it to save all your favorite products for later.


A wishlist is a collection of desired products that are saved on your account, signifying interest without immediate intent to purchase. That’s great… but what does that mean exactly? Basically, you add items you are interested in and save them on your A-Z Darts wishlist for convenience. There is no pressure or timeline to purchase. 

If you're looking at five or six different darts and want to think about your decision or wait to make a purchase on payday, save the dart ranges on your A-Z Darts wishlist so you can easily revisit them any time you're ready to make that purchase. Same with accessories like flights and shafts – and just about anything else available on our site!


The A-Z Darts wishlist button is found on the far right of any page on our website, desktop and mobile, right next to the scroll bar. After you log into your A-Z Darts account, locate the Wishlist tab on the far right of the page and click it to access all the items you've saved on your wishlist. 

You can create a wishlist without having an A-Z Darts account; however, the items saved on that wishlist may not be saved if you're not logged in. To ensure that your wishlist is always saved you must have an account. If you don't have an account, you can create one by clicking the button below:


Using the A-Z Darts wishlist feature is actually quite simple and convenient. There are two ways you can add products to your wishlist any time.

The first way of adding to your A-Z Darts wishlist is by clicking the heart icon at the top of a product thumbnail when searching for products on any page after logging into your A-Z Darts account. Each item you "heart" will automatically be added to your wishlist.

The second method of adding products to your A-Z Darts wishlist is by clicking the product you'd like to save, which will take you to the product page of that item. Then, on that page you'll see a section to the right with item price and quantity, the Add to wishlist button and a red "Add to cart" button below.

Press the Add to wishlist button above the "Add to cart" button and voila – you've just added the item to your darts wishlist! Next time you check your A-Z Darts wishlist, the items you added will be right there after following the above steps. Our wishlist tool also has a few additional features that allow you to easily share, add to cart and clear the items you saved with three simple buttons.

Sharing your wishlist

A-Z Darts wishlist share

Your A-Z Darts wishlist is private by default, meaning that no one else can publicly view it without your permission. If you have a birthday or special occasion coming up and want to share your darts wishlist as gift ideas, you can press the Share Wishlist button next to the Clear All button to generate a shareable link that you can send to your loved ones! 

A-Z Darts wishlist sharing link

You can either directly copy the URL to manually share your darts wishlist or you can select from different platforms including Facebook, Twitter (X), WhatsApp and more to share on social media and other messaging apps. When the recipient of your shared link opens your darts wishlist, they'll be able to see all the products you favorited.

Clearing your wishlist

A-Z Darts wishlist page clear all

Not interested in the products on your A-Z Darts wishlist anymore and need a fresh start? Or you already bought everything you saved? 

The Clear All button makes clearing your darts wishlist easy with just one click. All products saved on your darts wishlist will be deleted and you'll have to browse our website to add products again to your freshly blank wishlist. 

Adding to cart

A-Z Darts wishlist add all button

When you're ready to make your big purchase, we've made it easy for you with the Add All button on your A-Z Darts wishlist. Clicking this button will automatically add all of the items on your wishlist to your cart for easy purchasing.

This also preserves the items on your darts wishlist without removing any of them, so if you're looking to repurchase any of the products in the future they'll be waiting right where you last left it.

A-Z Darts cart pointing to quantity

If you want to add multiple quantities of one item to your cart, you'll have to add the product to your cart first from your darts wishlist and then edit the item quantity once you view your cart. 

To view your cart, click on the cart icon next to the "My Account" button at the top of the website. From there, you'll see a little pop-up preview of your cart where you can manually adjust the quantity. Or, you can click the black "View cart" button and the website will bring you to the cart page where you can adjust the quantity, add order instructions, estimate shipping and more. 



We hope you found this article helpful. The A-Z Darts wishlist is truly a convenient way to save all your favorite products for later while browsing, so make sure to take advantage of this awesome feature!

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