Darts 101 - Darts Tips & Tricks Every Beginner Should Know

Written by: Heather Cister


Man from behind aiming at dartboard

Darts has transcended its origins in the public houses of England, becoming an internationally recognized sport for both men and women and attracting a passionate and often partisan crowd. The sport is still widely played by amateurs, usually in a pub setting, and it can take a while to get the hang of the technique — but knowing the rules and following along with darts tips is an equally important part of darts.

Even if you’re only playing in a pub with friends, some knowledge of common darts tips for beginners will add to your enjoyment of the game. Here are some basic darts tips to consider as you immerse yourself into the game.

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Darts Tips For Dart Games

One of the most important darts tips we have to offer is knowing the most common variations of darts games out there, especially if you're new to the sport. If you’re playing in a more casual environment, it’s best to ask for the local rules before you start.

Darts 501 & 301

When you watch major darts tournaments on TV, the games will almost always follow the Darts 501 rules. Players begin with a total of 501 points (or 301 points) and must reduce their points to exactly zero with as few darts as possible. Three darts are thrown at a time except to finish, where any of the three darts can conclude the game.

Players can hit anywhere on the board with their opening dart — usually aimed at treble 20, the highest-scoring ring. The inner Bullseye scores 50, the outer ring 25, and doubles and trebles twice and three times the value of the ring, respectively. If a player’s score gets to 1 or below zero, they bust and return to the value of their last score. These darts tips should be quite straightforward in improving your darts 501 game.

Danny Baggish playing darts 501

Garage Darts | How To Play 501

One of our sponsored players Cali West brings her professional darts expertise to Youtube with her channel Garage Darts, where she produces homemade videos on darts tips and how to play darts!

In this video, Cali West teaches you about Darts 501 and provides the basic rules and darts tips for playing the game. 

This Garage Darts video is a part two follow-up to the previous video in which Cali West teaches your outs in Darts 501. 

She also provides great darts tips on breaking down the numbers into smaller, more manageable sections so you can learn faster and easier! 501 can get quite complicated, especially with all the math involved, but Cali West's darts tips are truly helpful for any beginner. 

Around the Clock

This darts game is the most popular alternative game played by casual players and the simplest of our darts tips. Around the Clock is played by each player aiming to hit each number in sequence (1-20) using three darts per turn. Doubles and trebles are ignored in this variation. Whoever completes the clock first, wins. It's a perfect, simple game that puts your accuracy to the test. 

Because of this game's simple rules, we recommend kicking it up a notch by adding new rules to make the game more difficult. Some players like to limit the total number of darts you can throw while others challenge themselves by aiming for the treble of each number. Following these darts tips will ensure that you constantly improve on your techniques with more advanced games.

three darts in triple 20


Cricket is a little more complex compared to our other darts tips. 501 is more of a race, however cricket emulates more of a tactical chess game where your choices/strategy can affect your opponent's decisions. A bit of offense and defense can be applied throughout the game!

In darts cricket, you only throw at the following Targets: 29, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15 and the Bull. You receive no marks or score for hitting any other number.

The player who has the highest score (or tied with opponent) when all target numbers are closed or at the round limit, wins.

Watch the video below for complete rules:

Leonard Gates playing cricket darts

Garage Darts | How To Play Cricket

Sponsored player Cali West shares more Cricket darts tips in her own Darts 101 video on her channel. This video goes over what the scoreboard looks like, how to count in Cricket and more!

More Darts Tips for Beginners

In this Cali West Garage Darts video, Cali walks through a few more practice games and routines best suited for beginners. If you're looking for more Cali West darts tips, check out her channel by clicking the button below.

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Darts Tips for Your Setup

Having your very own darts setup not only personalizes your gear and sets you apart from other dart players, but it also ensures you're getting the best performance out of your games. We've compiled a few of the best darts tips for crafting your own unique darts setup. 

Darts Equipment

If you only play once in a while at your local bar, the chances are you might not own a set of darts. But for regular or more serious amateur players, owning your own set of darts is the most essential advice of all darts tips. 

You're able to fully customize your darts setup based on your personal preferences for grip, weight, shafts, flights, barrel shape, etc., which can vary greatly. Our Darts 101 blogs cover each dart component, plus tons of darts tips on how each part is different. Check them out by clicking the button below! 

Shot Viking rannsaka darts grip in hand

Darts Apparel

If you enter tournaments, you may as well want a unique shirt in which to play. Some companies help you design your own based on your preferences, whether you're a solo player looking for a jersey with your name printed across the front and back or need a custom design for your own dart team. 

It's not a necessity on our list of darts tips, but having your own custom unique shirt can definitely elevate your darting experience! Magic Wear is our darts apparel brand where we help darts players and league organizers customize their special jerseys.

Cali West Darts jersey


Dartboards are an absolute no-brainer when it comes to darts tips for beginners. If you’re purchasing your own dartboard, make sure it’s made of sturdy material with traditional bristle (compressed sisal fibers) on the face for steel tip darts. Other steel tip dartboards are made from cork, wood and even paper, but the sisal fiber dartboards are certainly the industry standard for top quality dartboards.

Electronic dartboards are used for soft tip darts and many come with built-in game and scoring options, just like the games in our darts tips above.

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Darts Tips for Etiquette

As with any sport or game, whether you’re a professional or an occasional pub player, there are unwritten rules to consider. Failure to do so could lead to a frosty reception from fellow players, or being refused games. Let’s look at a handful of darts tips to improve your etiquette in darts.

Don't Distract

Darts require concentration, so it goes without saying that you should, under no circumstances, try to deliberately distract your opponent. This is the most important of all the darts tips for etiquette as good sportsmanship will only improve the quality of your games.

Accidental distractions happen, especially in the pub setting, but you can avoid being one by following our darts tips and standing quietly behind your opponent. Be careful not to stand too close to them when they are about to throw.

lots of people throwing darts

Minimal Small Talk

Darts tips on minimal small talk and concentration extend beyond the actual throwing of darts. If you’re with friends in a very casual setting there will probably be lots of banter, but a more formal game requires a more taciturn approach. 

Being a part of a professional team requires more experience and knowledge about the game and the role you play in the team.

Danny Lauby waiting as Danny Baggish throws darts

Remove Darts after calculating the scores

This happens often, especially with new players who don't know basic darts tips. Darts should remain in place until a score has been agreed on, as those close to two or more rings may need closer inspection. Bear in mind some players may also calculate the score slower than others. 

As long as you follow these darts tips and wait to retrieve your darts until after the score has been calculated, you'll be an etiquette master in no time. 

hand retrieving darts from board

good sportsmanship

Whether you win or lose the darts match, greeting your opponent with a handshake and a few kind words after the match has been called is customary and one of the most basic darts tips for beginners. Some players even share a hug! 

Good sportsmanship will take you a long way, especially if you're playing in a bar or league with lots of other players around you. Players who don't follow basic darts tips on etiquette may be seen as rude. 

 Jeff Smith and Jim Long handshake after darts match

Final Thoughts

Whatever your skill level, and wherever (and with whomever) you play, knowing the rules – written and unwritten – will increase your enjoyment of darts. We hope that these darts tips help improve your game!

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